Conversion methadology


Scoville units by Capsinoid/Capsaicinoid

The above picture shows the figures we will be using to convert each capsinoid/capsaicinoid into Scoville units.

Assumptions - 

    All of the above ionise in a similar way in the absence of standards for each one. 

    Sauces, powders etc are homogeneous and representative of the product as a whole.

    Capsiates have a negligible role with respect to heat.

Normally, the analytical method for converting LC data to Scoville units is to work out the concentration of capasaicin in ppm and multiply by 15,000. We will do this and, in addition, we will calculate xSHU. This will include all the main capsinoids with the amounts present calculated by assuming that the capsaicin calibration curve works for those too. Amounts adjusted to factor in the heat levels of the different compounds then summed to give xSHU.

Graphic/data originally from -

Antifungal Potential of Capsaicinoids and Capsinoids from the Capsicum Genus for the Safeguarding of Agrifood Production: Advantages and Limitations for Environmental Health


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